
This template is designed to effectively collect user feedback on the beta version of a product or service. It comprehensively collects information on the usability of key features, discovered bugs, overall user experience, and suggestions for improvement.

When to Use?

  • When launching a beta version of a new product/service

  • When testing major updates or new features for an existing product

  • During the final user feedback collection stage before official release

  • When conducting a closed beta test for a limited user group

What you will learn?

  • Evaluate product/service performance and stability in real-use environments

  • Early detection of major bugs and usability issues

  • In-depth understanding of user needs and preferences

  • Identify areas for improvement before official release

  • Predict initial user satisfaction and market response

How to Use?

  • Select a beta tester group and set the testing period

  • Guide testers on how to use the beta version and provide feedback

  • Collect feedback periodically during the test period

  • Analyze collected feedback to identify key improvements and bugs

  • Share results with the development team and establish a correction plan before official release

Frequently Asked Questions

Encourage feedback to be specific and helpful in solving practical problems, and emphasize the reasons "why it's good/bad".
It depends on the complexity of the product, but it's important to allow enough time to collect diverse feedback.
Select a group that matches the target users of the product/service, and consider devices or OS to enable testing in various environments.
Prioritize major bugs and improvements, and establish a plan for corrections and product improvements before official release.

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